What's All The Clutter Really About?

There is one surefire way to tell whether or not my life is in order. All you have to do is simply take a stroll through my house to observe the state of my well-being. If my clothes are all over the place, on the bed, on the floor, in the hallway... I can guarantee the external clutter is a giant reflection of how I am feeling on the inside. 

When you force yourself to intentionally slow down and take a look at the tornado that has plowed through your apartment or house, it's not hard to realize just how fast you’ve been living. Is all the clutter a result of having too much stuff? Or is too much stuff a result of all the clutter? Maybe this is a little deep for this time, but hey, why we're here let's talk about it.

How much of what you own (the t-shirts, the endless amounts of shoes) is absolutely vital to your life, and how much of it was an impulse to fulfill something else? This is where I think we tend to get "it" wrong. Often the best place to start is not with our material things, but instead within.


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